When it comes to getting solid personal finance advice, the best place to turn is to the most respected experts in the field of personal finance. Today we'd like to direct you to where you can find those very experts, people who have made it their livelihood to help us all with personal finance issues, the most respected personal finance experts. Here they are:
The 5 Most Respected Personal Finance Experts
Dave Ramsey--One of the most respected personal finance experts, reading the fascinating story of how Dave Ramsey got started and his journey to where he is now is just the beginning of learning what Dave has to offer you in the way of personal finance advice.
Suze Orman--Her name is synonymous with personal finance. Suze Orman changed the face of how America looks at their personal finance issues. Being one of the very most respected personal finance experts, Ms. Orman is a take-charge, bull-by-the-horns, dynamic speaker. If you have never watched her, you should. She gets your blood boiling in a good way and makes you feel as if you can accomplish anything when it comes to personal finance.
Warren Buffett--One of the wealthiest people in the world, Warren Buffet gives 10 pieces of sound personal finance advice in this article from Go Banking Rates. Here is one of our favorite tips from that article:
Form Healthy Money Habits
“Most behavior is habitual,” Buffett said in a 2007 address at the University of Florida, “and they say that the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.” Habits are changeable, but the earlier you start the better.
“I think the biggest mistake is not learning the habits of saving properly early because saving is a habit,” Buffett said. Pay attention to money habits and work to strengthen those that help your finances, and break those that hurt your finances.
Chris Hogan--Chris helps people plan for their future and reach their retirement goals through his Retire Inspired live events and R:IQ assessment tool. His book, Retire Inspired: It’s Not an Age. It’s a Financial Number, released in January 2016 and is a number one national best-seller. An expert on mortgages and investing, he’s an engaging and electrifying speaker who is equally at home leading corporate training sessions as he is speaking to college students and professors. Chris works with high profile clients, including business leaders, professional athletes and entertainers, to help them develop financial strategies to generate revenue, protect their wealth, and secure their futures.
Tony Robbins--Although Tony Robbins is most famous for his advice on living the best life you can and leadership, he is also considered one of the most respected personal finance experts. Read all about Tony Robbins here, a wonderful, inspiring story in itself, but be sure to visit the section of his website called Wealth and Lifestyle.
That's our suggested list of the 5 most respected personal finance experts. Do you have someone else you'd like to add? Then by all means leave a comment and also please take a minute to share this post with your friends on social media. And by all means, for more help with personal finance read our post, 5 MoneyThumb Tools that Can Help With Personal Finance.
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