Hopefully, your accounting practice and its employees breathed a huge sigh of relief when they arrived at work today, April 16, 2019, with the tax deadline behind you. If you have done your job well, the only noise in your office this morning is blissful silence.
Of course, we are exaggerating and we know it, but it's fun to imagine. The reality is you still have clients to serve in various ways beyond meeting the April 15th tax deadline. And there are always clients who needed an extension. However, the bulk of your work for tax season is behind you.
So what are you going to do now, to decompress after tax day? The Rules of Thumb blog from MoneyThumb has several suggestions for ways accountants can recharge and decompress after tax day, whether you work in a big accounting firm or just do income tax seasonally for clients. We have listed those suggestions below:
Take a vacation--Many accountants already have their annual vacation scheduled to begin the day after the tax deadline. You may be heading to parts unknown, like deep sea fishing or cranking up your RV for a road trip. But even if you are not taking a major vacation, at least take what has become known as a staycation. Take some time off, even if you stay at home and do absolutely nothing. Or maybe just rent a hotel room in your area for a few days of R & R.
Refocus on your career--This is the perfect time to make career decisions. If you have been unhappy or unfulfilled in your current position, now is the time to amp up your game by getting your CPA, finding a job at an accounting firm if you've been flying solo, or even making a complete reversal in your career path and follow a different route.
Pamper Yourself--That big sigh of relief you have taken deserves more attention. Get a massage, a pedicure, or just stay in bed for a day. Some accounting firms are even giving their employees the day off on April 16th. Take your significant other out for a nice dinner. Bing on Netflix. Whatever your idea is of relaxation, make that happen.
Get Some Exercise--Most of you have been trapped at your desk for months on end, making sure your clients' taxes are done and done right, and in time for the tax deadline. Now it is time to get outside, enjoy the spring weather, and move your body!
Indulge in Your Hobby--Many accountants and bookkeepers learned a long time ago that one of the best ways to de-stress from work is to have a hobby. Whether it's collecting of some sort, painting, writing, photography; whatever your hobby is if you have one, now is a great time to give that much-loved hobby your full attention for a little while.
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